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Blogs about True Sky

True Sky

Why Your Budget Should Not Be Your Robot Overlord

At True Sky, we talk a lot about budgeting. It makes sense, right? That’s the whole point of True Sky: to make budgeting easier, more streamlined, and more useful for companies of all types. And while we have been heard to sing the praises of the strategic budgeting system, there’s…

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True Sky

Budgeting for Businesses, Dave Ramsey-style

Dave Ramsey has become a household name in the personal finance world. His budgeting rules have helped countless families and individuals get out of debt and stay out of debt—an admirable contribution to society, no doubt. But it turns out Ramsey’s rules aren’t only for personal finance. They can actually…

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True Sky

5 Reasons Business Budgets Fail

Unless you are truly a pillar of financial discipline, you’ve probably had to deal with personal budgeting failures at some point or another in your adult life. Forgetting to factor in an infrequent expense, like car insurance, splurging on a really nice meal “just because,” or ending up with an…

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True Sky

How True Sky Can Help Your Business Go International

[three_fourth_last][/three_fourth_last] [three_fourth_last][/three_fourth_last] True Sky was built to simplify the budgeting process for companies using Excel.  Like any software solution, a system should work for you and your company, fitting into the way you do things, rather than forcing your organization to adjust in order to fit the new software. That…

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True Sky

The 3 Big Reasons to Go to Money20/20 in 2015

One of the countless great things about Vegas is how many awesome expos and conferences are held there every year. And this time around, there’ll be one of the most important conferences of the year: Money20/20! With projected numbers of more than 10,000 attendees, more than 3000 companies, and over…

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